4 sites every record collector should know

by • June 15, 2015 • Adventures in AnalogComments (0)22399

4 sites every record collector should know

Not enough time to figure out which sites have the best information or whose opinion to trust when deciding what to buy and what to pass up? Here’s 4 more sites every record collector should know all of which are solid resources with information that’s both useful and accurate to help make decisions or find others interested in debating the minutiae that keeps the hobby interesting.

Analog Planet

Analog Planet

Operated by notable writer and hifi professional Michael Fremer, Analog Planet publishes regular content on equipment, vinyl and music news. Though not exclusive to reporting on analog equipment and vinyl per se, Fremer’s tendency favors reviewing high-end equipment and audiophile releases when he’s not covering trade shows or doing interviews with industry professionals. Analog planet is packed with information on just about anything you’d need from the ultimate high-end Rolls Royce turntable review to entry level equipment and everyday reissues critiqued and rated for sound and production quality. And yes, Fremer’s ratings do go to 11, one louder than everyone else.

Collectors Weekly

Collectors Weekly

Covering just about everything, Collectors Weekly publishes original content and aggregates industry news from sources around the web. For the record collector though, they publish a weekly email newsletter of the Top 40 Records on eBay each week ranked by price and have an entire section of the site dedicated specifically for vinyl. The Show & Tell section of the site hosts user contributed content of images ranging from rare or interesting records to unique or vintage equipment. There’s something for everyone at CW and if you’re prone becoming obsessed with collecting in general, you might find yourself suddenly buying everything in site from stamps to coins and everything else collectable in between.

Steve Hoffman Forum’s

Steve Hoffman Forum's

Interested in tracking down the best pressing of Aja by Steely Dan based on lengthily discussion and comparison? Steve Hoffman Forum’s is the place for that and just about anything else related to recording and scrutinizing details from release to release with contributions from a large user base, industry professionals and the mastering engineer himself. Along with popular opinion, marketplace discussions, eBay news and music related info, the boards are an easy place to spend your entire day or an extended period of time procrastinating life and work in search of audio bliss.



Reddit is that place on the Internet where you’re thoroughly confused at first but after a few days of lurking you figure out it’s actually one of the best places for discovering anything you want. The vinyl subreddit is where most analog related content lives. Whether your just browsing or contributing there’s enough linkage and discussion to keep your obsession satisfied. And in case that’s not enough, check the other subreddits for audiophiles, upcoming releases and vintage gear.

Feature image by Mustafa Khayat

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